Berufserfahrungen / 
Work Experiences /Expericiências Profissionais:

1. als Kostüm- und, oder Bühnenbildner / as Costume and, or Set Designer / como Figurinista e, ou Cenógrafo:

1.1. als Kostüm- und, oder Bühnenbild-Assistent / as Costume and, or Stage Design Assistant / como Assistente de Figurino e, ou Cenografia:

1.2. Kostüm- und, oder Requisiten- Betreuung (Auswahl) / Costume and, or Props Management (Selection) / Responsável pelo Figurino e, ou pelos Adereços de Cena (Seleção):

1.3. Konzeption und Umsetzung der Einrichtung des Kostüm- und Requisiten-Fundus des Ensemble/ Concept and Organization of the Costume and Props Storage of the Company/ Design, Execução e Organização do Armazenamento dos Figurinos e Adereços de Cena da Companhia Constanza Macras/Dorky Park 

2. Festspiele, in denen ich arbeitete und /oder noch arbeite (Auswahl)/ Festivals in wich I have worked and/or still work (Selection) / Festivais onde eu trabalhei e /ou sigo trabalhando (Seleção):

3. Ensemble, Künstler*innen, Regisseure*innen und Choreograf*innen mit denen ich direkt und indirekt die Ehre hatte zusammenarbeiten (Auswahl) / Companies, Artists, Directors and Choreographers, those whom I have had and still have the Honour, either directly or indirectly, to work with (Selection) / Grupos, Artistas, Diretores e Coreógrafas(os), com os quais eu já tive e com algumas ainda tenho, a Honra, directa ou indirectamente, de trabalhar (Seleção):

4. Spielorte, an denen ich die Ehre hatte zu arbeiten und zum Teil noch heute arbeite (Auswahl) / Venues, where I had and in some of them, still have the Honour to work at (Selection) / Palcos, onde eu já tive e em alguns ainda tenho a Honra de trabalhar (Seleção):

5. Länder (auf Englisch) wo ich beruflich unterwegs war und immer noch oft bin / Countries (in English) in which I have worked and still work / Países (em Inglês) onde eu já trabalhei e ainda trabalho com:

Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, England, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Lebanon, Norway, Palestine, Portugal, Russia, Scotland, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, South Africa, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United States of America, Uruguay & Wales